Oakley School, Tunbridge Wells
Oakley School is a Special School for day pupils, aged from 4 to 18 years, all of whom have severe and/or complex needs, with associated communication and learning difficulties.They promote skills for life and independence so that when they leave Oakley School, their young people have the best opportunities for a fulfilling life.
Oakley School is on a wonderful sight with large areas for outdoor learning that include woodland, orchards, wildlife pond, allotments, and fields. They value learning outside the classroom and incorporate horticulture and construction skills into their curriculum.
Here is a pdf diagram of the plant bed species map Oakley School Bed Map
The cross pollination beds are in the field by the orchard and involved a lot of work to prepare the area for building the beds.
The students have designed, built and planted the raised beds for the cross pollination project. The fantastic staff make learning motivating, interactive, challenging and fun, whilst ensuring that the children and young people feel safe, valued and self confident.