Pepenbury (Aspens), Tunbridge Wells
Pepenbury (Aspens) is a charity that provides high quality care and support for adults with a learning disability. They provide provision full-time residential care, supported accommodation, day service activities and community support. Pepenbury has a strong commitment to the environment and the on site nursery grows organic produce and plants.
Their main site, just outside Tunbridge Wells, is set in acres of unspoilt countryside and is a haven for all kinds of wildlife and woodland flowers including deer, badgers, stoats and dormice aa well as many species of wild flowers, including bluebells,primroses, violets, foxgloves and the rare Twayblade orchid. The woods are managed in the traditional way and provide chestnut fence posts which are used on-site .
Here is a pdf digram of the Pepenbury plant bed species map Pepenbury Bed Map
The Cross Pollination Project beds are by the donkey fields with stunning views across the Weald.
Planting the beds
First summer
Summer 2020